The Reasons For Early School Calendar In Liberia Part IV
(By Sonkarley Tiatun Beaie)
Bad weather is not only an obstacle for school, but impediment for our entire social and economic lives. During the rainy season in Liberia, basic food commodities are scarce, particularly in the countryside, absentee rates even at work places and school are high, and generally living conditions can become difficult for ordinary people due to lack of jobs.
Looking at the Brighter Side of Things
(By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé)
The Sirleaf government will soon be entering its mi-term, after two full years at the helm of the state. Much has been accomplished on the international scene. Liberia has become more visible than ever and for the first time, since President William Tubman, a Liberian president was so widely received by the “international community”.
Are Email Communications Always Legitimate?
(By Jonathan Brisbane)
Very recently a Liberian website reported about a purported email which it alleges emanated from Mr. Christopher Nippy, the first secretary for political affairs at the Liberian Embassy in Washington. In the article, the writer raised the question, “Are you blacklisted?”
Is President Sirleaf’s Experience An Obstacle To New Policy?
(By J. Yanqui Zaza)
During the 2005 elections, experience, which became a pivotal factor in the determining the winner, is once again emerging, except that the experience of our President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf will not help her government in instituting a people’s policy. Experience, according to the former U. S. President John F. Kennedy, “is like taillights on a boat which illuminate
Moving from a Top-Down to a Bottom-up Approach to "development" in Liberia
(By Ms. Nyankor Matthew)
After reading Mr. Rufus Darkortey's article titled "Liberia Needs A National Development Plan - Not A Presidential Plan", I got to thinking. Mr. Darkortey is right in saying we need a national development plan.
You Like the Soupe, Soupe and Speeche, Speeche
(By Siahyonkron Nyanseor)
A while back in the 1970s, a friend told me the story I am about to share with you here. I can’t remember which one of my friends it was, but some where in my subconscious mind, the name Kronyan Weefur, keeps popping up. Kronyan was known in our cycles for telling interesting and funning stories, and Soupe, Soupe is one of those stories he might told us during our AWINA days.
Charles Taylor & Col. Gaddafi |
Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi Must Pay For Crimes against Humanity in Liberia and Sierra Leone
(By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé)
Our attention was called to an article published here last week asking the question as to who protects the Liberian consumer. The writer was addressing the issue of the many dangerous Chinese made products that had been recalled on the US market after they were linked to deaths of children and dogs. There was no such a recall in Liberia and with Christmas approaching, millions of children on the African continent will be exposed to deadly toys...
The Incoming Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General to Liberia pays courtesy call on President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
The incoming Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-general to Liberia, Madam Ellen Loj, has paid a courtesy call on President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf in Monrovia.
The Reasons For Early School Calendar In LiberiA Part III
(By Sonkarley Tiatun Beaie)
Liberia was not colonized but has closed link with the United States of America during the early stage of its formation. After the abolition of slave trade, an American Philanthropic Society, called the American Colonization Society (ACS) was formed.
(By Mr. Martin Nyeka)
As citizens and residence of Maryland County were gearing up to celebrate the so called Maryland re-union activities on November 29, Superintendent Sie Teba Neufville got a slap in the face from the Maryland Legislative caucus. The Legislative caucus, headed by Senator Gloria Musu Scott, arrived in the County a few days before the celebrations.
Reducing the AFRICOM Debate to “Mind your business” or “Leave the people’s thing alone”!
(By Siahyonkron Nyanseor & J. Kpanneh Doe)
Reducing the Liberian people’s concern regarding AFRICOM or for that matter the African people, to meeting and offering money to a beautiful woman to go to bed with you, reminds me of the classic exchange between the veteran journalist, Albert Porte and then President William V. S. Tubman.
LIBERIA: Water, Sanitation and Sustainable Development
(By Francis W. Nyepon)
Today, life in Liberia is no longer an unmitigated disaster, even through measured against the goals of a functioning economy; there is still room for growth. Our country has been put on a path to prosperity, and policies have been put in place to bridge our social divide. Liberia is appearing to have turned the corner by most benchmarks,
The Liberian Episcopal Church Election: A Follow-up
(By: Theodore T. Hodge)
In my first article on this topic, I argued that Father Jonathan B. B. Hart should not be disallowed to contest the newly scheduled election for Bishop of Liberia; it clearly wasn’t his fault that an irregularity occurred in the process...
Product Safety: who’s looking out for consumers in Liberia?
(By Charles Saye Gono)
For those of us who happen to live here in the States, we don’t think too much about how safe are the products we buy? We go shopping with relative peace of mind that the products we buy will do what they were intended to do or will not make us sick.
Turn Your Valuable Time Into Money Or Productivity
(By Chris W. Moore)
For the readers of this commentary, I would hope that time is an extremely priceless asset to you and like the best and worse of us; you are constantly running out of time. This article is intended for people that have several things going on at the same time in their life.
The Liberian Episcopal Church Election: Father Hart Deserves Consideration
(By: Theodore T. Hodge)
My parents were devout Episcopalians; my father a senior lay reader for many years. I was brought up in the Church and went to an Episcopal high school, an experience essential to my cumulative core. Although I am not a practicing Episcopalian, I find myself drawn to news of the church, which is why
A Rejoinder to “Does The President of Liberia Have a Right to appoint Mayors of Cities Within the Republic”
(By Samuel H Perkins)
Let put this issue of the president appointing Majors and also Superintendents in prospective. As far as I can remember, that is how it was always done. Now people have a problem with appointments of Majors and Superintendents by the president.
Liberian Community Election in Minnesota: The Way I see It
(By: Theodore T. Hodge)
Like Abdoulaye Dukule, I’m also following the upcoming Liberian elections in Minnesota --- sometimes with interest and sometimes with great dismay and disappointment because of the raw emotions and lack of civility brought out among our fellow country men and women.
The Murder Of Expatriate Bruno Michiels: What Lessons To Learn
(By: James Thomas-Queh)
We all condemn and deplore the gruesome murder of Mr. Bruno Michiels. We hope that the perpetrators of this cowardly criminal act will be caught and brought to justice as swiftly as possible, and that the real circumstances leading to the death of this man will be...
Kerper Dwanyen
Why I endorsed Kerper’s candidacy for OLM leadership
(By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé)
I was inundated by e-mails and phone calls after my short article appeared on website about the campaign in Minnesota for the leadership of the Liberian organization. I was asked why I got involved in these "small local" politics. Some people asked why I did not speak of other candidates
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is a good leader
(By Fillmore Hney )
President Ellen Johnson has come under attack since her first day as president of Liberia. Some of her critics are blatantly reluctant to give her the benefit of the doubt. In other cases, some of her enemies spread falsehoods in ways that are inexplicable. Irrespective of all that’s being said and done by these critics...
The Root to the Resistant and Unplanned Expansion of LAC
(By Jucontee T. Woewiyu)
We are all thankful that the expansion of the LAC concession was brought to the front burner for a broader national and countywide discussion. The matter first came up during the NPP government. Most of us agreed that the expansion and the Small Holders Project were steps in the right direction especially for poverty reduction among Liberians.
Liberians in Minnesota Ready to Elect a New leadership
(By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé)
It is certainly one of the largest, if not the largest of all Liberian communities in the United States. Before I traveled there for the Trade & Investment Symposium organized by the Liberian Government in September 2007, I always wondered why anyone coming from the warm climate of Liberia would ever move into a state known for its cold.
Is Armed Robbery Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Government’s Downfall?
(By Alexander Swen)
It is an event no one wants to experience. In one second you go from your normal routine to finding yourself the focus of an armed robbery. Everyday, many Liberians suddenly find themselves in this situation. Some are injured and some are even killed
Not news but propaganda
A Letter From Moon Takeyon)
I have been reviewing this site for well over a year now and I must say I expected more from a site that is supposed to be representing a country better yet your country in a better way. Your site strives to do nothing but demoralize Liberians and cause disruption and chaos to an already fragile rebuilding process
AFRICOM: Considering the Practical Realities
(By Theodore T. Hodge)
A man meets a beautiful, attractive woman. He offers her a drink and they begin to make small talk. From one thing to another, the man asks the woman boldly, “How much money would you accept to go to bed with me, a thousand, five thousand or ten thousand dollars? Let’s just cut to the chase. What’s your asking price?
Does The President of Liberia Have a Right to appoint Mayors of Cities Within the Republic?
Ellen Johnson Does The President of Liberia Have a Right to appoint Mayors of Cities Within the Republic? Above is the question propounded by many of our fellow Liberians and friends of Liberia. The question has grown out of the action taken recently by the President of Liberia, Her Excellency Mrs. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf...
The Importation of Rice to Liberia
(By J. Patrick Flomo)
April 14, 1979 is remembered as the most infamous day in Liberia’s 20th century history. On this date, April 14, 1979, G. Baccus Matthews and his cohorts challenged the government in the most massive demonstration against the increase in the price of rice.
Is Liberia Ready To Host AFRICOM?
(By T. Q. Harris, Jr.)
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has offered up Liberia as a possible location for the headquarters of the new United States Africa Command, also know as AFRICOM. The U.S. has yet to decide. Before long, a decision will be made
AFRICOM: A Model for ‘Capacity’ Building and Development or Not?
(By J. Kpanneh Doe and By Siahyonkron Nyanseor)
Sooner or later, the U.S. Administration is expected to announce its decision on where AFRICOM the U.S. Military Command headquarters for Africa will be located. Reports emerging suggest that several African countries, namely, Botswana, Morocco, Ghana and Senegal are in the running as candidates for consideration, but it is still not clear whether Liberia is a viable candidate
In Memory Of Dr. Harry Fumba Moniba
Former Vice President Of
We, the family of the late former Vice President of
Liberia, Dr. Harry F. Moniba, are observing a quiet remembrance of him on the
third anniversary of his passing. His death in a two-car accident on
November 24, 2004
, in
occurred while he was preparing to offer his experienced leadership to the Liberian people.
The Debate About The Appointment Of City Mayors
(By Alphonso Nyeuh)
As I followed the recent debate over the appointment of City Mayors, I pick up two arguments a Constitutional Argument and a Conditionality Argument.
LAMA, Awake from Hibernation: The Story of the Recent General Elections
(By Siahyonkron Nyanseor)
On Sunday, November 11, 2007, at 4:00 P.M., closed to two hundred and fifty (250) persons Liberians and Americans; most of whom registered on the day of the Elections become members of the Liberian Association of Metropolitan Atlanta (LAMA), Inc.; voted in selecting their new crop of leaders for the next two years (2008 -2009).
Liberians Search for New Leaders Amid Claims and Accusations - (Part I)
(By Jefferson Cooper)
One of the oldest Liberian community organizations in the US, the Organization of Liberians in Minnesota (OLM) is searching for new leaders who will bring community services and development, which residents are long overdue.
The General Auditing Commission Begins Training of Auditors
(Press Release)
On November 19, 2007,The General Auditing Commission began its first training session. After 1400 persons registered for the competitive evaluation test, 998 sat the test and 256 were successful. 187 were eligible for an interview to complete the first phase of the recruitment process. This was all done in efforts to build a credible GAC and the capacity of auditors to make them more functional in fighting fraud, waste and abuse and ensuring accountability and transparency.
Bad Policies: Benefits For Few + Sale Of Natural Resources Lead To Dictatorship Or Anarchy My Thoughts
(By: Kullie K. Kennedy)
Reading the above captioned article, I had hoped that the writer would guide me, through supportive paragraphs, to an equally supportive conclusion that this UP led government’s policies are indeed a mirror image of his topic. What I was able to determine in this collection of paragraphs, however, was a miasma of seemingly disjointed arguments alluding to policies which, in the writer’s Opinion, should be formulated by government.
Bad Policies: Benefits For Few +
Of Natural Resources Lead To Dictatorship Or Anarchy
(By J. Yanqui Zaza)
In accepting the
idea that certain policies help to reduce anarchy or allow corporations to hire
residents, thereby benefiting the entire population, many governments have a
mixed economy, partly socialist and partly capitalist. For instance,
, a World Bank client, considering weapon production as a priority, owns and operates a not-for profit weapon corporation.
The Reasons For Early School Calendar In Liberia - Part II
(By Sonkarley Tiatun Beaie)
The similar school entry schedule in many developing countries today was imposed on them by their respective European colonial masters. Some documented evidence is the scramble for Africa, during which era Africa was partitioned by European countries at the Berlin Conference.
Fighting Corruption In Liberia Four-Prong Approach Needed
(By: James W. Harris)’s (FPA) editor-in-chief, Rodney Sieh’s, dual investigative pieces which he recently published on his website on 11/04/07 about what could best be described as emerging scandals in several government ministries, including, Finance, Labor, Justice and Defense, respectively in Monrovia should alarm Liberians if not awaken them.
“Liberia’s Budget Shocker: US $10 Overspent- Where Did the Money Go?” - A rejoinder (Part I)
(By: Ruel Francis Dempster)
The recently published Annual Fiscal Outturn Report 2006/2007 carried on the Ministry of Finance (MOF) website did present an appearance of overspending by most Agencies of government. But, was there any actual overspending?
Miracle on the Atlantic Coast
A New Book By P. Nathaniel Boe
Liberian born P. Nathaniel Boe offers a new vision of unity, peace, equality, fairness, justice, hope, opportunity and prosperity for all Liberians in his new book Miracle on the Atlantic Coast: How to Transform Liberia into a Peaceful and Prosperous Country
Liberians’ Love-Hate Relationship with America
By: Theodore T. Hodge)
In describing Liberia’s relationship to the United States of America, someone once coined the term, “America’s step child”. It is a description to which many Liberians take exception, although the description may be an apt appellation. Liberians’ furious rejection of this description is quite justifiable, because if the country is described as such, what does that make Liberians to Americans?
The Reasons For Early School Calendar In Liberia - PART I
A Scholastic Article on Educational Planning in Liberia
(By Sonkarley Tiatun Beaie)
Upon the arrival of the American freed slaves in what was then called the Grain Coast in the early 1800s, they met no formal school. The indigenous tribes who inhabited the land were involved in the practices of informal bush schools, which aims and objectives were limited to the modern standard of education. Some Christian Missionaries among the American freed slaves organized the formal school...
AFRICOM : Implications to our national security and national interest, if...
(By: James Thomas-Queh)
A conspicuous absence yet from this debate on an issue of a vital importance to our national security and national interest - is the opinion of our major political leaders. And what do you expect, most of us still have families, homes, businesses and other attachments in the United States.
Proactive Approach and Constructive Criticism, not Rhetoric and Destructive Criticism
(By Sunny G. Nyemah)
There are two generations in Africa according to economist George Ayittey (book “Africa Unchained”): The Cheetah Generation and the Hippo Generation. Cheetahs seek knowledge, innovation and look for solutions to their problems..."
Awards Must Translate Into Better Life For All Liberians
(By: James W. Harris)
On the international stage, Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf easily passes off as a kind of rock star or Hollywood celebrity. Everywhere she has gone, the President has usually been given very warm reception by her hosts. No doubt the friendships and contacts she has nurtured over the years working with such organizations
AFRICOM and Liberia: A Case of Dashed Hopes
(By: R. Wesley Harmon)
Convinced about the positive impact AFRICOM will undoubtedly have on the fortunes of the country that will be chosen to host its headquarters, proponents, of having said headquarters based in Liberia, are indeed disappointed to learn from President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, that Liberia stands little or no chance of having this highest American honor bestowed upon her.
President Sirleaf Reeives US Presidential Medal of Freedom
The White House has announced that Liberia’s President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf will receive America’s highest government honor awarded to civilians, the Presidential Medal of Freedom
Bad Policies, the Lack of Policies, and Policies Inconsistencies are Undermining Development of Liberia
(By Rufus N. Darkortey)
Liberia’s ability to develop is being severely undermined as a result of bad policies, the lack of policies, and policies inconsistencies. Although the civil war was a major factor that significantly damaged the country, its adverse impact is not as powerful as the series of bad policies
Balancing between Beijing and Washington
(By: J. M. Kaindii, Jr.)
The twentieth century was so cold that it frozen several aggressive leaders of Africa and the rest of the underdeveloped world. The bipolar power rivalry characterized by the cold war tormented the ordinary peoples in Africa. Liberia was muddied in this crisis by two phrases “genuine non-alignment and self reliance”.
AFRICOM Has the Capacity to do Good in Liberia
(By William E. Allen)
I have followed the ongoing debate on whether Liberia should or should not be the headquarters of the United States new military’s command center for Africa, known as Africa Command (AFRICOM). Both supporters and opponents have raised important points about the respective benefits and disadvantages of this new United States military post.
Freedom Award Recipients (front)
President Sirleaf Receives Freedom Award
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has participated in programs marking the formal presentation of the 2007 Freedom Award in Memphis, Tennessee, the United States. In accepting the Award Tuesday night at the Memphis Convention Center, the President said the Award signifies in the eyes of the world that Liberia has embarked on an irreversible journey to reclaim its place among those nations that uphold fundamental freedoms, including freedom of speech as the foundation of their political discourse.
The Life And Times Of Rev. Dr. William H. Lewis, Sr
(By Henry Lewis)
To journal the life of Rev. Dr. William Henry Varney Lewis, Sr., is to put into picture the story of a man on a quest beginning from his native country, Liberia to Africa and unto the rest of the world; for he did traveled half the world and in doing so, lend valid credence to the fact that luck occurs when preparation meets opportunity.
Hurray! The Monrovia Stock Exchange Hits A New Milestone: Imagining the Possibilities
(By Patrick Flomo)
At dawn, I woke up to an astonishing business newscast the Monrovia Stock Market is as hot today as cayenne pepper. Today is Friday, October 21, 2025, and the stock market has reached an all-time high in the last ten years. The flurry of market activity is the result of a meeting this morning between the five regional banks’ chairman and the central bank president.
Building the Ideology of Reconciliation in Liberia
(By: J. Momolu Kaindii, Jr)
The Liberian society remains overly divided despite the 14 years’ catastrophic period of bloodletting, barbarism, mayhems, vandalisms and devastations of physical, social and economic infrastructures. Most worrisome of it all is the irreparable damage done to the moral psyche of the population, particularly the youths as future leaders.
Promises of Debt Relief, AFRICOM and Awards mark Presidential US Visit
(By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé)
If there ever was a political Oscar night, the Africare dinner honoring President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf could pass for one. There were Chris Tucker, Cicely Tyson, Barbara Lee, and Debbie Lee. Robert L. Johnson showed up with a coterie of media personalities. On the political side, the who’s who of Congress was on hand. According to Africare President Julius Coles, this was the most “successful fundraising evening” of his 5-year tenure at the head of the largest African-American humanitarian non-governmental organization devoted to Africa.
IMF, Shareholders Failing Liberia
(Press Release Issued By Africa Action and Jubilee USA Network)
Liberia’s debt to the IMF, the World Bank, and other creditors totals more than $4.5 billion. Much of this debt is odious or illegitimate in nature, having been run up by the brutal regime of Samuel Doe, with no benefit to the people. During years of civil war, Liberia failed to make its scheduled payments, resulting in huge arrears which the IMF insists must be cleared before Liberia can enter the debt cancellation process.
Bringing Adequate Safe Drinking Water to Monrovia, Very soon
(By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé)
The lack of safe drinking water in some parts of Monrovia has been one of the gravest consequences of the fourteen-year Liberian civil war that has left much of the national infrastructure, including the Monrovia water supply and distribution system, in total disrepair. Potable water is essential to health. From drinking to cooking and even flushing toilets, the shortage of pipe borne water is major cause of health hazard, aggravated by the absence of any sanitary sewage system. An entire generation of Liberian children has never seen water coming out of a faucet in their homes.
President Sirleaf Meets US President Bush
Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has held talks in Washington with United States President, George W. Bush. The meeting which last more than half and hour, was held at the oval office of the White House.
Introduction of kpelle as a National Language
(By Sonkarley T. Beaie)
I have reserved this comment for long, when an issue of introduction of Kpelle as a national language was raised. Now, the argument on the definition of “kubba”, as published by the onliberianmedium had caused me to break the silence.
Liberia Receives Support for Senior Executive Service (Press Release)
, October 18th, 2007 – The World Bank Regional
Vice President for Africa today approved a US$2.30 million grant to
for the
Emergency Senior Executive Service Project. The project, funded by the Trust
Fund for Liberia (TFLIB), will support the Government of Liberia efforts to
rebuild the civil service in
Remarks By President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf At The 2007 AFRICARE Bishop Walker Dinner
Thank you to everyone who is here tonight and to AFRICARE for hosting this event and presenting me with such a notable honor. When I look at the list of the past recipients President Nelson Mandela, Bishop Desmond Tutu, Richard Lugar, Bill and Melinda Gates, President Bill Clinton, Colin Powell, I can’t help but feel humbled to be included. Each man and woman so honored was a pioneer in their own way, changing the world with their ideas and their innovations. This, for me, is the definition of true legacy.
The Life And Legacy Of Secretary Of State J. Rudolph Grimes
(By Abraham L. James)
Born on October 31, 1923, the late Secretary of State J. Rudolph Grimes was the third of four children. His father, Honorable Louis Arthur Grimes, was of West Indian descent. His mother, Mrs. Victoria Grimes, was a descendant of one of the Kiazolu clan of Grand Cape Mount County.
President Sirleaf And World Bank Pay Super-Salaries, Layoff Poor Workers, Give Liberia's Resources To Profiteers. Why?
(By J. Yanqui Zaza )
The recent Hearing held by the Liberian Legislature might not have delved into the rationale why President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and the World Bank are paying $100,000.00 to $300,000.00 to few advisors of the President (NewDemocrat, May 8, 2007). The announced official reason, “…the International community's effort in attracting highly qualified experts in implementing the GEMAP,” is, to say the least, laughable
President Sirleaf ‘s Burden: Projecting a Positive Image of Liberia
(By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé)
The next two weeks will provide President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf with to further the cause of her country, make for debt relief appeals as well as present a positive and redeeming image of the country. She will stand on two podiums that, in the past decades, have hosted some of the greatest political leaders in recent history.
Leadership: My Perspective
(By: Theodore T. Hodge)
We Africans keep bashing our leaders. From South Africa to Liberia; from Algeria to Zimbabwe, the conversation usually winds down a familiar path. When you bring ordinary citizens together and ask them for their opinions about leadership, you will soon hear that most of our presidents, prime ministers, cabinet members, legislators, lawyers and judges --- our national leaders --- are held in very low esteem
Issues about Land, Energy, Minerals and Government Policies
An interview with Minister Eugene Shannon
(By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé)
A former official of the African Development Bank, the U.S. Geological Service, and environmentalist, Dr. Eugene Shannon, returned to Liberia after the election of the Unity Party’s Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, to head one the most important multi-departments of the government. As minister of Lands, Mines and Energy, he oversees four areas critical to the recovery, both social and economic, of the nation. While in the U.S. to attend the series of symposia organized by the Embassy of Liberia in Washington, D.C., Minister Shannon discussed with us policies and strategies in four sectors of his ministry.
Vacancies For Seven Lucrative Positions in Liberia
These include: 1) Senior Transport Economist, Ministry of Public Works , 2) Senior Bridge Engineer, Ministry of Public Works, 3) Road Construction Equipment Maintenance Specialist, Ministry of Public works, 4) National Land Reform Program Coordinator, Land Administrative Reform Program Unit, Division of Operation, Ministry of Lands, Mines and Energy, 5) Legal Counselor, Ministry of Justice, 6) Lawyer, Ministry of Justice, 7) Legal Counselor, Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Liberia: “Open for Business”
(By Siahyonkron Nyanseor)
On Saturday, October 6, 2007, Ambassador Charles A. Minor and the Liberian Embassy in the United States collaborated with the Liberian American Partnership Initiative, headed by Mr. Wilfred T. Harris and a host committee comprising of Americans and Liberians in the persons of R. Gledegbem Garguah, Jonathan J. Geegbae, I, Mabel Jaryeneh Green, Wilfred T. Harris, Cynthia Blandford Nash, T. Nelson Williams, II, Sue Yancy Williams, President of the Liberian Association of Metropolitan (LAMA, Inc.), and the Hon. Walter Young in a Private Sector Investment Symposium.
AFRICOM is Bad News for Africa and Liberia and Here’s Why
(By Ezekiel Pajibo)
Of course, I have weighed in on these matters before now but the need to speak out loudly is ever more urgent, relevant and necessary. No doubt, the view I hold is a minority one and even at variance with those of the powers that be in Liberia. The previous article co-written with Emira Woods was largely for a non-Liberian audience. As such, my arguments were constrained. Here, I want to make my argument largely for a Liberian audience.
The Liberian Legislature: Disposable Political Accessories of the Executive Branch?
(By: Emmanuel Dolo)
Neither the remnants of the protected and inward-looking despotic systems of the pre-war era nor the so-called post-war governance institutions that have emerged so far qualify for democracy. They do not fulfill the high expectations for democratic change that Liberians have for so long aspire, and for which so many of its citizens have died. We still have a long wait to rid the country of a political system that was built around an all-powerful president and judicial patterns that tolerated crony politics and one party rule.
Technology Widens Rich-Poor Gap
(By Philip Emeagwali)
Oil has made us billions and fuelled our economic stability, but oil has also become the bane of our existence. For some, it is a curse that has caused poverty and corruption, but for others it is an essential source of untold wealth and power. But as the gap between rich and poor countries continues to expand, it is clear that intellectual capital and technology rule the world, and that natural resources such as oil, gold...
Liberian workers must be protected from occupational hazards
(By Charles Gono)
I applaud the Sirleaf Administration for addressing the environment in the Mittal Steel deal concluded early this year. It was necessary and right-definitely a step in the right direction. However, there is very little mention of workers’ safety and health in the agreement.
Nyanseor unfolds his heart and mind in a ‘heart to heart’ Conversation with his son as he turned 60
(By Didwho-Twe Jlopleh Nyanseor)
I will start this conversation by first introducing my father, Mr. Siahyonkron Jglay Kpa-kay Nyanseor, Sr. Mr. Nyanseor was born in the City of Monrovia, Montserrado County, Liberia, on July 22, 1947. He came to the United States at the age of 21 December 1968.
AFRICOM: Examining the Issues
(By: Theodore T. Hodge)
Over the last several months in the Liberian press, both at home and in the Diaspora, there have been several debates on the issue of Africom: To accept it or reject it. I have read quite a few opinions supporting the initiative. On the other hand, there have been a number of scathing opinions.
Closing the Gender Gap: Recruiting and Retaining Female Students at Higher Education Institutions in Liberia
(By Wilfred M. Manyango)
Female enrollment at higher education institutions around the world has been an issue under discussion for a long time. Since the inception of what is now regarded as higher education centuries ago, female students have lagged in enrollment compared to their male counterparts.
Marylanders in the USA Elect New Leadership
(Press Release)
On September 29th - 30th, 2007, The National Maryland County Association Of Liberia (Namcal) Held Its 5th Annual Convention At The Hilton Hartford, In Hartford, Ct. And Elected A New Core Of Officers For A Term Of 2 Years.
Another Liberia Private Sector Investment Symposium For Atlanta Georgia
As part of an ongoing effort to attract private-sector investors to post-conflict Liberia, The Embassy of Liberia in partnership with The Liberian American Partnership Initiative (LAPI) has selected Atlanta as one of four host sites for a series of U.S. investment forums.
Resolution from the people of Maryland County to their Legislators at the Consultative Meeting
Whereas we the people of Maryland County, in consultative Assembly with the Maryland Legislative Caucus: Having presented and deliberated on issues greatly affecting our socio-economic and political life which include the reopening of the William V. S Tubman College of Technology (TC), the status of the various concessions areas, namely the Cavalla Rubber Plantation, DECORIS, LIBSUCO and others
Angie Brooks: Pioneer Liberian Woman
Diplomat Remembered
(By D. Elwood Dunn)
Angie Brooks' entry into the Liberian diplomatic service was unorthodox. It was the result of a determined, in deed courageous personal struggle to seek higher education abroad. She succeeded admirably, returning home to Liberia from the U.S. in 1953 with undergraduate and advanced degrees, including a law degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Vacancy for Executive Vice President/Comptroller at a Major Financial Institution in Liberia - Ad
A major financial institution in the Republic of Liberia, West Africa is expanding its scope of services with the view of maintaining and enhancing its market presence and requires the services of an experienced financial manager. An attractive compensation package inclusive of retirement benefits is offered
The General Auditing Commission (GAC) and Political Interference
(By Nyankor Matthew)
This letter is in response to AG Morlu being held in Legislative contempt and fined LD$4,599.99. Our Legislators can’t be serious! Will this man ever be allowed to do the work he left a well paying career, his family and friends for?
Us Military Command (Africom): Liberia’s Strategic Balance
(By Masu Fahnbulleh)
It would have never occurred to me that my generation-those born in the 60’s in Liberia will come to be face with such surmountable challenge as having to be placed in Diaspora and absolutely no place to call home. A sanctuary that should have provided a shared memory of our childhood years-weather growing up in the beautiful seaside community of Robertsport, Grand Cape Mount County and or in Cape Palmas...
Opponents Of Africom Are Playing A Dangerous Game
(Fillmore Hney)
Most opponents of Africom are still in the woods. Insofar as the truth and nothing but truth has not yet been told about Africom, it is fair to say that they're playing a dangerous game of intimidation.
the Case for Reparations and Other Claims
By Theodore T. Hodge)
I want to thank Comrade J. Yanqui Zaza for many of his past articles
presented in this forum and elsewhere. Many of his writings have been
thought-provoking, forcing many of us to view issues through a different
set of lenses. That is good for those of us who advocate for pluralism
and inclusiveness in the new Liberia. However, in his latest article
on reparations, Mr. Zaza raises more questions than he answers.
Wrong for Liberia, Disastrous for Africa
By Ezekiel Pajibo)
February 2007, just 2 months after U.S. aerial bombardments began
in Somalia, the Bush Administration solidified its militaristic engagement
with Africa when the Department of Defense (DoD) announced the creation
of a new U.S. Africa Command infrastructure, code name AFRICOM, to
coordinate all U.S. military and security interests throughout
the continent”.
AFRICOM: A New Paradigm in US-Africa Relations
(By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé)
The announcement a few months ago by the US government to create a central military command to be based in Africa has been received with mixed and not so-subtle reactions both in the US and Africa. In the US, humanitarian organizations and their partners worry that the military will take over their role as distributors of humanitarian aid and overseeing development programs, while in Africa some voices, particularly in South Africa and Libya, clearly warn against any US military presence on the continent
Former Charles Taylor Justice Minister Eyeing Legislature In Liberia
(By Sam K Zinnah) It is now becoming clear that Cllr. Eddington Amadu Varmah, ‘the man who constantly defended the actions of one of Liberia’s notorious dictators, Charles Taylor, is now trying to elbow his way back into a political position in the government of Liberia’.
The Liberian and African Experience: AFRICOM, Another Case of “Smell No Taste”
(By Siahyonkron Nyanseor)
“…Politics is both spectator sport and political activity utilized by organized groups to get specific, tangible benefit for themselves. While many of us see politics as a passing parade of abstract symbols, to others politics confers wealth, takes lives, imprisons or frees people, or does other things, good or bad…
Minnesota Trade Conference
Investment Symposium Kicks off to a Start
(By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé)
The first of a series of symposia organized by the government through the Embassy in Washington was held in Bloomington, Minnesota over the weekend and drew in an unexpected number of businesses, both Liberian and foreigners to discuss trade and investment possibilities in Liberia.
Reparations: Should Liberia Pay Siblings Of True Whig Party Officials Executed On April 22, 1980?
(By J. Yanqui Zaza)
The demand for reparations by some siblings of former and current members of the True Whip Party has gone beyond the corridors of power in Liberia into the offices of Liberia’s international partners. Their desire has leapt from the call for an apology (The Perspective, April 5, 2005) to the call for reparations from Liberians
What good is a Biometric System without a good National IT Infrastructure in place?
(By: Scott A. Mandeh)
The article is of interest because of the soon to be used technology, the Biometric scan. The article quoted Dr. William Allen, the Civil Service Agency Director-General that Civil Servants will soon begin scanning their fingerprints, eyes and faces. Let me commend Dr. Allen for a good start
Sustainable Peace Depends on Viable Private Sector Ambassador Charles Minor
(By Jefferson F Cooper)
Liberia Ambassador to the United States Charles A. Minor said sustaining peace in Liberia demands that Liberians must be able to find jobs that will enable them realize their dreams.
More on Liberian Local Elections and the Challenges of Building Democracy
(By Theodore T. Hodge)
My colleague Abdoulaye Dukule must be commended for his last article addressing the issue of mayoral and chieftain elections. It belongs in the category, “Food for thought”. I hope the movers and shakers of the political arena of Liberia will give his ideas some consideration.
G. Baccus Matthews : A Man I Got To Know
(By James Thomas-Queh)
As an amateur footballer in the mid 1960s, and being a part of the cheering squad of the team of my alma mater the Laboratory High School I already had an admiration for G. Baccus Matthews then the star goal-keep of the College of West Africa (CWA).
G. Baccus, A Member of My Generation that Could not Leave the Peoples Thing Alone
(By Siahyonkron Nyanseor)
Unlike the Roman politician and general, Marcus Antonius, I come to honor
G. Baccus not to bury him; because of the struggle he championed, there is no need to dwell on his mistakes at this time. In fact, who among us here - is without any faults? Since there is none, I will take this time to pay tribute to my friend
and brother in the struggle.
Open Letter to Special Representative Alan Doss
(From Ronald Y. Free)
Having been opportune to visit Liberia from July- August of this year and fortunate to be back to the United States; I write to express my observation as it relates to the complacency of the United Nations Mission in Liberia.
The Death Of Madam Angie Brooks Randolph
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is particularly saddened over the death of Madam Angie Brooks Randolph, Liberia’s first Associate Justice, and the first female President of the 24th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations
If I Must Remember G. Baccus Matthews
(By Jesse Z. G. Fahngon)
If I must remember G. Baccus Matthews, I will say in few words: he is the father of multi-parties system in Liberia. He planted the final cornerstone to end one-party rule in Liberia. He challenged the OLD ORDER while in his 20s. He organized the “People Progressive Party (PPP)”. What a man!
A Reality Check to: The Re-emergence of the Americo-liberian Hegemony
(By: Theodore T. Hodge)
Mr. Dolleh is correct: Americo-Liberians became the ruling class upon Liberia’s independence. But being a very small portion of the general population, they had to boost their standings by forming a coalition of a privileged class --- this elite class extended far beyond the actual Americo-Liberian clan.
Vacancy for Senior Positions at the University of Liberia - AD
The University of Liberia, Liberia’s National University, is accepting applications for Four positions as follows: 1. Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs, 2. Vice President for Administration, 3. Comptroller and 4. Dean of Student Services
Liberia Local Elections & the Challenges of Building Democracy
(By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé)
Not too long ago, Liberia had the capacity to organize elections on its own, without going out, looking for aid and advises. However, that was before “democracy” and before electoral processes turned into an industry, with the coterie of international observers, the network of computers, a bureaucracy called “Elections Commission” and thousands of paid workers to tabulate votes.
Liberia’s Security Dilemma: Addressing the Root Causes Rather than the Symptoms
(By Siahyonkron Nyanseor)
Dr. Emmanuel Dolo made some interesting observations and compelling points in his recent article titled: “The Future of Race Relations in Post-War Liberia”, which was published in the August edition of The Perspective. In that article cited a White woman who published on her blog the following
LIBERIA: The Nucleus to Reducing Poverty
(By Francis W. Nyepon)
This article explores the core factors to reducing persistent poverty in Liberia, which this author believes holds the key to unlocking our persistent challenge with sustainable development. It explores the dynamics of structural poverty not from the view of micro and macro economic levels of constraints that limits growth, such as stagnation, unemployment, poor production, and lack of access to markets
Tackling Trade and Investment: The Government reaches out to the Diaspora
(By Abdoulaye W. Dukule’)
Whether they decide to return home or stay in exile, Liberians in the Diaspora will play an important role in the reconstruction of the war-devastated country they left behind. Over the years, as governments stopped providing the basic necessities Liberians in the Diaspora somehow managed to keep the country going, through remittances and sometimes, through small economic ventures.
The ‘Born Again’ Peter Kieh Doe
(By Siahyonkron Nyanseor)
According to the American patriot, Thomas Paine, “He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent which will reach himself”. These words are even true today because journalist Peter Kieh Doe, who was noted for vigorously defending the status quo by going to the extreme, has now joined those of us...
Threats Ignored: Redirecting the Sirleaf Administration’s Policy Postures
(By: Emmanuel Dolo)
Liberia, before the civil war was a shattered society and the war broke the last straw. The disintegration became complete, people’s psyche and all. Today, most, if not all of the institutions in Liberia are in ruins. The prospects of change are overwhelming because the problems are intractable.
John S. Morlu
Regarding the Pleasure of the President
(By Francis K. Zazay)
I see that some writers in the Diaspora and Lofians in particular are discontent about the immediate dismissal of Mr. John S. Morlu. This has led some to begin to question the appointments of the President, to the extent that some are evaluating surnames to justify nepotism.
Maryland and Bong Counties Sign Bilateral Agreements with the State of Maryland, USA
(Reported by Roberta Brown and J. Nan Larsah)
On Monday August 27, 2007 the counties of Bong and Maryland signed bilateral agreements with the state of Maryland, USA for a Sister State-County relationship. Meeting at State House in Annapolis, MD a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed. Signing for the State of Maryland was Governor Martin O’Malley, while County Superintendents Ranney Jackson and Sie-Teba Neufville signed...
(By Sonkarley T. Beaie)
For about a month in a town or village, the people there had no source of protein, particularly, meat to cook soup, and were searching everywhere to buy, no matter how much the cost would be. Surprisingly, one afternoon, a hunter returned with three pigeons, and people rushed there to buy.
An Open Letter to the Budget Bureau of the Republic of Liberia
(From J. Kerkula Foeday)
I am writing to point out a discrepancy discovered in a referral made by the Budget Director of Liberia and at the same time call on the Budget Bureau not only to correct the discrepancy, but also to ensure that the 2007/2008 budget is published on the
Ministry of Finance website, the
Executive Mansion website, or the Budget Bureau website
The Truman Doctrine: Europe Benefited, While the Rest of the World Including Liberia Endured Hardship - Part I
(By Siahyonkron Nyanseor)
The Internet unlike in previous decades has become a protest force for liberation. Today, the Internet has become a forum to debate, discuss pressing issues confronting our respective countries and issues of global concern. Notwithstanding, instead of upholding the relevance the Internet offers for a responsible exchange of beliefs, views, others in this public domain, have used it to make reckless statements about those whose points of view they disagree with. A case in point is, R. Wesley Harmon. Mr. Harmon
Africom: Is President Sirleaf Ignoring The Lessons Of Hstory?
(By J. Yanqui Zaza)
Concerned Liberians, predictably, argue that the U.S. military headquarters (Africom), if located in Liberia, would pose more risk to Liberia as compared to the rosy economic benefits President Sirleaf has projected. They assert that their reasoning is supported by the comments made by Herman Cohen, former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs from 1989-1991 in an interview, (Global Connections), the U.S. duplicity in its foreign policies and the influence...
President Sirleaf
& Mr. Paul Wolfowitz, Former President of World Bank
Liberia Private Sector Investment Forum; Strategies for facilitating Follow-Up, Scaling Expectations, and Actualizing Opportunities
In February 2007 the Government of Liberia in collaboration with the Corporate Council on Africa (CCA), U.S. Oversea Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), and RJL. & Companies (Robert L. Johnson), hosted an historical event (Liberia Private Sector Investment Forum) in Washington D.C. The forum attracted over five hundred participants, including 200 plus Liberians
Vacancies at DAI for a Land Rights and Community Forestry program in Liberia
DAI is a global consulting firm at the vanguard of international development, marrying technical excellence, consummate project management, and uncompromising customer service to solve our clients’ most complex problems. Since 1970, DAI has worked in 150 developing and transition countries, providing comprehensive solutions in areas including crisis mitigation and recovery, democratic governance and public sector management, agriculture and agribusiness, private sector development and financial services...
Capital Building
Liberian Legislators Borrowing from the Timorese Political Playbook
(By Evans Duncan)
The debate on whether Liberia needs a "Financial Autonomy Act" gained currency among Liberians at home and abroad a few months ago. The act sought to prevent the Ministry of Finance from managing the accounts of the National Legislature, as it does the accounts of all branches of the Liberian Government. Following President Johnson-Sirleaf’s vetoing of the proposed act, I thought efforts to pass such an act were dead. Very recently, I read in the online version of a Liberian newspaper that...
Invitation for Bids (IFB) for Petroleum Terminal Loading Equipment - AD
The Government of the
, through the Liberia Petroleum Refining Company (LPRC) has set aside public funds toward the cost of the procurement of Petroleum Terminal Loading Equipment under the contract for the supply of Petroleum Terminal Loading Equipment.
General Auditing Commission’s Testing and Recruitment
The General Auditing Commission is seeking a workforce of diverse background aimed at building a credible, apolitical and professional Supreme Audit Institution to meet the social, development and governance aspirations of the Liberian Government and its people. To meet this goal, the GAC is competitively recruiting staff to build the capacity of the institution with professionals whose services will transcend the borders of Liberia to produce the next generation of “ECOWAS Auditors.”
The Future of Race Relations in Post-War Liberia
Often times, it is something very inconsequential that triggers an important awareness, raises your suspicion, and/or shed light on the occurrence of a profound social change. At a certain level, these kinds of moments are not unexpected. Rather, you have recognized them before, and even talked about them to friends or neighbors. This is an article about such a cultural change race relations in post-war Liberia.
The General Auditing Commission of Liberia Adopts INTOSAI’s Auditing Standard & Code of Ethics For Liberia
In accordance with the Executive Law of 1972, which assigns the responsibilities of establishing auditing standards, procedures, methods and techniques for the Government of Liberia accounting practices to the auditor General of the Republic of Liberia, AG Morlu and company have adopted the
Standard and Code of Ethics of the International Organization Of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) for auditing Government organizations, agencies and related activities in the country.
The Iron Lady
Liberia needs the “Iron Lady”, not “Ma Ellen”, to Run Government!
People who have being following the political life of Mrs. Johnson-Sirleaf concluded that, if elected she would have not only penned her name into the annals of history as Africa’s first female president, but also as one of the best leaders the African continent has ever had. So they overwhelmingly voted for her. She has been in action as president of Liberia for a little over a year and a half!
COUP PLOT N° 1 : Mere Speculation, Manipulation or Real?
(By James Thomas-Queh)
As the nation celebrated its 160th Anniversary with fireworks, an alleged coup plot has been foiled. And needless to mention the near tragedy of the joyous celebrations of July 26, 2006, went the Executive Mansion went up in flames. True, there may be no link between both incidents, but it must be extremely worrying for a government whose mandate extends to 2012, and most troubling also for our national security.
Passing: A Classic Case of Shame and Tragedy
By Siahyonkron Nyanseor
"Passing: A Classic Case of Shame and Tragedy”, is a fictional story about a unique place called the Afrikan Republic of Dukor, whose citizens were somehow confused about their identity. The events narrated here took place throughout the 1960s and up to the 1990s,
Liberia: Why a Terrorist Command Post Is a Bad Idea
(By Jefferson F Cooper)
President Ellen Sirleaf of Liberia invited the United States to build its Africa’s terrorist command center in Liberia to deter alleged terrorist organizations from operating in Africa.
The Foiled Plot
(By Patrick Flomo)
It has been three weeks since the foiled conspiracy to subvert the government of Liberia by armed force became public knowledge. The Liberian government has formally charged George Koukou and Charles Julu, two of the alleged conspirators, with treason.
Cease the culture of violence
(By Ahmed A. Dukuly)
The enrapture and subsequent lure of Liberian youth into violent brigade is becoming a phenomenon that have served as impelling factor for us to educate our colleagues with the lesson we have learnt from Gregor Mendel, the Australian Monk, studies of Genetics.
"Exploring the U.S. Africa Command and a New Strategic Relationship with Africa."
(Statement by Mark Malan)
In some parts of the world, like Iraq and Afghanistan, the face of US foreign policy is clearly a military one. In Africa, the DoD appears to be putting a civilian mask on the face of a combatant command, with its marketing pitch for AFRICOM. This disingenuous strategy is not working. The veneer of the mask is simply too thin, and attempts to patch the holes that have emergedby telling us “what AFRICOM is not about” and re-emphasizing a humanitarian and developmental role for the US military in Africasimply make the face of US foreign policy much shadier.
AFRICAN ACCOUNTABILITY: A Dichotomy: The Hidden Reasons for Africa's Reluctance to Host The Most Revolutionary Concept to Hit The Continent, Since Independence
(By R. Wesley Harmon)
From the perspective of Liberia, just as Russia was wrong back when they opposed the idea of Europeans accepting American economic assistance, that is how wrong J. Yanqui Zaza, Ezekiel Pajibo, Elmira Jackson and others are. Dead Wrong!
Exploring the U.S. Africa Command and a New Strategic Relationship with Africa
(Statement by J. Stephen Morrison)
CSIS has taken a strong interest in AFRICOM over the past year, and had the good fortune to discuss AFRICOM’s rationale and implementation plans with General Craddock in late 2006, as he was heading to Stuttgart to assume his duties as Commander in Chief of U.S. Forces Europe and Supreme Commander of NATO. In May of this year, CSIS also hosted General “Kip” Ward, EUCOM’s Deputy Commander in Chief and the current nominee to be the first Commander in Chief of AFRICOM.
"Africa Command: Opportunity for Enhanced Engagement or the Militarization of U.S. -Africa Relations?"
(A Presentation By: Wafula Okumu)
Dr. Wafula Okumu is the head of the African Security Analysis Programme, Institute for Security Studies, Pretoria, South Africa. "Africa Command: Opportunity for Enhanced Engagement or the Militarization of U.S. -Africa Relations?" is his testimony he delivered on August 2, 2007 to the U.S. House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health. Dr. Wafula is an associate of The Perspective.
Immediate Opening MIS Director - (Ad)
A major company with millions of dollars in annual turnover is in search of an experienced and skilled individual to fill its MIS Director Position. The individual will function at the senior management level and report directly to the Managing Director.
Perceptions and Beliefs about Interpersonal Violence
(By George Kronnisanyon Werner)
I was born in Liberia, West Africa. My Perceptions and beliefs about interpersonal violence were formed by my mother’s complex love story with my father, by my living through a decade of civil war, and by the many young people with whom I have worked over the past fifteen years.
Should Liberia Host Africom, The Would-Be Headquarters Of The War On Terrorism (World War Iv)?
Should Liberia host AFRICOM, the supposedly would be headquarters for fighting terrorism, the undeclared World War IV according to Rudolph Guiliani, former Mayor of New York City and a Republican candidate for the U.S. presidency in 2008? (NY Times Magazine, 7/22/07). Should Liberia, with zero infrastructure, with porous borders, and with significant section of its population uneducated, uninformed, unemployed, etc become a target by terrorists or become the Iraq, Pakistan, or Afghanistan in West Africa?
Several Lucrative Positions Available At Mittal Steel - Liberia
Mittal Steel Liberia Ltd. in Collaboration with the Ministry of Labor is pleased to announce the following staff vacancies required for its mines development project in Nimba, Bong and Grand Bassa Counties:
Walking The Fine Line - Are “Young” Liberians Ready Or Not?
(By: James W. Harris)
I sincerely don’t know about other writers and/or journalists, but for me personally, it is always a high privilege whenever I get feedback from my readers - whether negative or positive. Usually, they come in the form of e-mails dropped into my Inbox by people who were either mad that I had written something critical - albeit constructive - about someone they admire or people who simply want to say thank you.