Why is there no peace in our Liberian Community?

By Alexander M. Swen

The Perspective
Atlanta, Georgia
December 22, 2008


Liberians continue to wonder why there is always problem in our homeland, with increase of Liberians in the Diaspora, conflict continues to linger in all Liberians organization. There are several reasons, I think, the most obvious of which is “self interest” that is being borne by a small number of Liberians and their proxy. Start taking legal action against those who are the epic of conflict, and they’ll stop supporting conflict in a trice. But part of the reason too is the kind of people who call themselves leaders or opinion leaders in our community, they are incessantly silly.

Take for example, the Union of Liberian Association in the America (ULAA) past general election in Pittsburg. Among the headliners: former president Emmanuel Wettee, and score of celebrated fabulist, former interim president laureate Amos Sawyer who should have been the key note speaker for the Pittsburg occasion quickly envisage division and refuse to be part of any bewilderment. That Pittsburg election had brought division in our community. When will we do something right? Doesn’t it a shame to be misled by those who others look up to for guidance and mentor? Can there be peace in our Liberia if those in the Diaspora can not show an iota of understanding among themselves? I think we have a serious problem on hand. How we have two ULAA and sooner another one will emerge. I am consecrate to be part of an organization (OMEGA FC) in Columbia Maryland. This organization has express a high sense of maturity and is capable of resolving issues as detected. This is the kind of leadership that any citizen will be proud of. A distinguish leadership that work toward the improvement of its members and community. Omega FC strives to meet the needs of its community, we as members of Omega serve and treat everyone with dignity and respect. This is what we need for our Liberian communities.

By the way, is there anything positive of ULAA that an ordinary Liberian could relate to, though not being a Liberian, I could be out of touch. The perplexity in our community continues to strike me as one gigantic bull hitting me from the unreasonably mature of direction by our so called educated Liberians politicians whose activist ardor exists inversely proportional to their ability to create a conducive environment for all Liberians. I read the daily exchange of communication via e-mail and other media, it makes me to wander, and how are we going to end the confusion through navel-gazing of this sort? Where, amid all the confusion almost in ever sector of our community organizations. Virtually all theories of self-interest is the premise for our problem. I believe that the political nature of our community problem is our dislike to use what we have learned from this great democratic society. The more democratic our community becomes, the more likely the decisions about who best to lead will be the result of widespread informed debate. The less democratic our community becomes, the more likely those decisions will be made by few with self-interest with a minimum of popular participation.

Will there ever be a time when change will become a priority for our so-called leaders? After years of economic and political stagnation, and with our international reputations picking up at a slower pace, our country faced a stark choice if tomorrow leaders cannot fine a common ground for conflict resolution. Aren’t we Liberians in the Diaspora overwhelmingly believe in the democracy process and intensely dislikes of injustices?

I ask because I would like to see our community come together, as well as unity among us, but I believe the effect of resolution for peace and unification of our people is necessary. It’s necessary for us to part of a change process in our country. I have been fortunate to have spoken with some members of dysfunctional organization in our community. With majorities in both our dysfunctional organization favoring a responsible plan to unite our communities, if not, a great conflict soon will emerge between the values we profess to be promoting. If we are united and focused, if our goal is to see our country move forward and not just perpetually dissent, we will prevail in building our beloved Liberia.

The author is a Liberian and can be reached at swenric93@hotmail.com

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