The Perspective
Atlanta, Georgia
March 1, 2009
This audit, according to GAC press release, is among other things aimed at determining ghost names on Government payrolls and checks and determining all those who engage in labor theft.
GAC, the release noted is attempting to ensure high level of productive work time, because it could be viewed as theft of labor when employees do not come to work and work for eight (8) hours but still collect paychecks at the end of each month.
GAC has since been waiting for logistical support to begin these outstation confirmations and is grateful that the government has agreed to finally provide same.
The release further averred that all employees of the various ministries are requested to be at their places of work beginning at 8am to 4pm, February 25 to 31March 2009 with all their legitimate identifications.
GAC says it seeks cooperation from all auditees and that auditors must have unhindered access to all information/documents relevant to the audits.
Meanwhile to expedite the completion of the HIPC Audits, all supreme auditors of the GAC, by directive of the Auditor General are required to work seven days a week (Mondays through Mondays) .
Ernest S.Maximore
Chief Communication Officer (GAC)